unspoken thoughts

- - Video of the week - -

Love God; Love People

We need to step up our game.
Stop the judgement and segregation.
We need to put actions to the words we live by.
We need to actually be the church.
What are you waiting for?

Who are you following?

God is so good and I will follow him forever #sogood #powerfulvideo


Do they see it in you?

Do they see HIM in you?
Do they see the LOVE in you?
Let your life be the message instead of your words.

Psalm 106
Sometimes we put things [idols] before Him.
But He desires all of us.
When our focus isn't completely towards Him, we loose sight of what truly matters.
Don't forget Him.
Don't focus on the bad or on the terrible.
Keep your eyes fixed on Him and how much He loves you.

Just reassurance that this weekend will blow away our city.

Community gives opportunity
"Anyone who claims to live in God's light and hates a brother or sister is still in the dark.
It's the person who loves brother and sister who dwells in God's light and doesn't block the light from others.
But whoever hates is still in the dark, stumbles around in the dark,
doesn't know which end is up, blinded by the darkness."
1 John 2:9-11

You decide
I want this to be my mission statement..
 I need this to be my mission statement.
I want these words to be my own..
I need these words to be my own.
I want to die for Him..
I need to die for Him.

Made from dust
Life is so beautiful.
God has given each and every one of us gifts.
[ 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 ]
Don't get discouraged and compare your gifts with others around you.
He made you the way you are.
He will use you.
prayer - singing - being bold - teaching - administration - etc
We are all one body
[ the church ]
but with different parts and roles.
 The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!". And the head cannot say
to the feet, "I don't need you!"
God made us from the dust - Yet he loves us so much
Everything you do, do it for him.
For His glory, honor, and praise.
David was just a small young shrimp but God used him to kill a giant.
Then David became one of the most noble kings.
Though you think your role may be small
or not as exciting or cool as your friends or the person standing in front of the church preaching 
At the end of the day things could not happen without you.
Remember that He made you and gave you those gifts
Go with it.
Be a modern day David.

–noun, plural
1. absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
2. lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting

This video really shakes things up in my core. These words are captivating, convicting, and are extremely truth.
I suffered from this cancer for almost my entire life.
Especially being a youngest child, it became amplified. I was blind in my own selfishness. People around me crying out for help. Yet, I was too disinterested.
[ cold; rude; insensitive; emotionless; ]
I was comfortable.
I was a Christian Atheist.
I knew God had a huge plan for my life. He was going to take me to great amazing places.
But I was stuck. Not stepping out in faith or in boldness.
Fear controlled me.
Until I surrendered everything to the Lord, I remained sick. I was in the darkness with no light near.
But now, I have realized that the life of comfort is not how we are supposed to live.
Those chains are gone. They've been broken.
God does not say "It will be easy!"
We will suffer for believing. We will suffer for seeking the lost and broken.
The most beautiful thing though, is the fact that we will be rewarded for it in the end.
"If I turn a deaf ear, then I have become the problem because the very hope they seek lives in me"
There is need all around our world, country, and our city.
[ There is a huge cry for justice in Saskatoon. ]
Where is the passion? Where is the love?
Why are you allowing your fear to control you, just as much as I allowed it to control me?
Fear of not being worthy enough? That in itself is a lie.
He died so that you could share his truth.
We as a church need to wake up and quit this life of comfort.
Stepping out of our comfort zones and to reach out to His people.
Reach out to them in the one way that binds everything together.
[ Love ]
We must love all people. No matter what.